Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update on Chamber's New Home and Cancellation of Installation Dinner

Aloha Members,

We announced at our April 30, 2009 meeting that the permit to finish the Telephone Exchange Building (TEB) project is ready to be issued. We are excited that we can now move this much-anticipated project forward to create a home for the Chamber as well as a visitor center for the North Shore. The board of directors wants to move this project along as quickly as possible and we expect that it will take significant efforts from us over the next several months.

In order to focus on the completion of the TEB we decided to cancel the Installation dinner, tentatively scheduled for the beginning of June. Once we are at or near completion, we are planning to have a blessing of the Chamber’s new home and welcome all of you to celebrate your efforts to save a Haleiwa landmark. We are excited about putting the building to many more years of service to the community and historic Haleiwa.

Many members have been very generous with their support in purchasing corporate sponsorships and bricks honoring their friends and family. Thank you very much. However, we need to raise more money and would really appreciate your support to help complete the TEB project by purchasing a brick or corporate sponsorship if you have not done so already. Please fill out the attached form and mail it in with your donation.

In regards to the bricks that have already been ordered, the landscaping and walkway will be the last items to be constructed. We will work as fast as we can to get the project completed so that you may come and admire your brick(s)!
